Stress Resiliency

Sprouting plantStress is inevitable. Getting sidelined by stress is something we can change. Stress resiliency is how we bounce back from stress in our lives. 

Here are 5 things you can do to build your stress resiliency:

1. Know that your stress is not permanent. Stress comes in and out of our lives at different times but it doesn't always stay or look the same. 

2. Practice meditation. Beginning or deepening a meditation practice can help you bounce back from stress more quickly. 

3. Go for a walk with a friend. Moving our bodies helps our minds think clearly and doing so with a friend can be energizing and fun. 

4. Learn something new. Trying out a new sport or taking up a new instrument can help build your mind and help you stay positive.

5. Seek out resources on campus. Harvard has many resources on campus to help you with stress and resiliency.
Counseling and Mental Health Services (CAMHS): for when the stress becomes too much for you to work through on your own

Center for Wellness & Health Promotion (CWHP): for when you want to take a class on meditation, yoga, sleep, and more